Thursday, March 10, 2011


So I just got done with my World Cup debut in Bardonecchia, Italy. I wish I had incredible news to report but unfortunately I did not qualify for finals. I was bumped by .2 of a point I think [seems reminiscent of Junior Worlds actually] and eneded up placing 13th. I could blame a myriad of things: new boots; soft board etc. however the pipe and the weather were perfect, I trained well the 2 days before and it just boiled down to my being nervous and not performing on the day.

I am glad to have my first World Cup out of the way and pumped to blow 'em out of the water at the next one I get the opportunity compete at. I guess now there is nothing to do but accept the silver lining that I am in this beautiful country, with great coffe and awesome weather and enjoy it while watching my compatriots Nate and Holly [Who both qualified first] smash it in the finals.

[Side note: it has taken me 3 days to work out how to order a double shot latte, the first day I got given a short black, the second day I ordered with the help of a multilingual bi-stander and today I got it right! or perhaps the barrista just remembered what I had yesterday.]

I have another 2 nights here in Bardonecchia and then I am catching a train into Milan to fly back to the States. So it will be nice to relax and check out the town a bit more, although I would much rather competing in finals tommorow.

Anyhow, until next time,