Here is some stuff up on the interweb about nationals. The firts link is from the Transworld website and the second is a report Benny put up on the Ski and Snowboard Australia Website.
Monday, April 12, 2010
2 Days in Cali
Yesterday I got back to Colorado from Bakersfield, California.
I know your thinking one of two things: Where the heck is Bakersfield? or; Why would you go there? Well it is in the middle of California [about 2 hours from L.A.] and I went there to visit My Aunty Lindy, Uncle Trevor [who I had not seen for 6 years or so] and cousins Mason and Hayley.
I did not have any expectations of Bakersfield or if there would be anything at all to do there. I was just happy to see my family. To my surprise we managed to have alot of fun and get alot done in the short amount of time I was there.
On the first day Lindy showed me the in's and out's of their suburban lifestyle - we dropped the kids at school, went for a bike ride and did some shopping. It's crazy there are these oil derricks in the most random places. Absoluteley everywhere. We had a BBQ for dinner that night, outside by the pool. It was so nice to be in warm weather for once.

The second day we washed the dogs, went up to the bluffs to look down over Oil Dale where the bulk of the Oil Derricks is. It is crazy they are everywhere. As far as the eye can see.

We also went to the Moo Ice Cremery where they have odd flavours including Bacon, Guiness and Wine amongst others. I went for the Jalepeno and Rasberry which was awesome!

After cramming so much into such little time we were all knackered and fell asleep on the couch for the whole afternoon before catching a movie and going out for dinner - it does'nt sound like much but we had an awesome time... and it was well worth the 8 hours of travel.

I know your thinking one of two things: Where the heck is Bakersfield? or; Why would you go there? Well it is in the middle of California [about 2 hours from L.A.] and I went there to visit My Aunty Lindy, Uncle Trevor [who I had not seen for 6 years or so] and cousins Mason and Hayley.
I did not have any expectations of Bakersfield or if there would be anything at all to do there. I was just happy to see my family. To my surprise we managed to have alot of fun and get alot done in the short amount of time I was there.
On the first day Lindy showed me the in's and out's of their suburban lifestyle - we dropped the kids at school, went for a bike ride and did some shopping. It's crazy there are these oil derricks in the most random places. Absoluteley everywhere. We had a BBQ for dinner that night, outside by the pool. It was so nice to be in warm weather for once.
This one of the derricks that was just on the side of the bike track.
The second day we washed the dogs, went up to the bluffs to look down over Oil Dale where the bulk of the Oil Derricks is. It is crazy they are everywhere. As far as the eye can see.
We also went to the Moo Ice Cremery where they have odd flavours including Bacon, Guiness and Wine amongst others. I went for the Jalepeno and Rasberry which was awesome!
After cramming so much into such little time we were all knackered and fell asleep on the couch for the whole afternoon before catching a movie and going out for dinner - it does'nt sound like much but we had an awesome time... and it was well worth the 8 hours of travel.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Results Posted
Results are finally up. I placed 6th. The guy's in front of me were [From 1st - 5th]; Brett Esser, Taylor Gold, Casey Pletz, Spencer Shaw and Mal Prior. It was a fun comp, and a good field with some pretty sweet runs thrown down - Brett's 3rd final run was Front 10, Cab 10, Front 9, Back 9, and it was really big and really styley.
I just want to thank my coach Benny A for and awesome season... Thanks Benny!
I just want to thank my coach Benny A for and awesome season... Thanks Benny!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Done and Dusted
Hi all. Just got back from the Nationals at Copper. I am pretty happy with how I went. I think I ended up around 5th or 6th (will let you know when results get posted).
So we rolled out of snowy Breckenridge at about 7 this morning only to find that training had be postponed by an hour and a half. So we just kicked it in the main lodge until 9:30. Once training started I dropped into to a stock run [Cab 7, Front 5, Back 5], feeling pretty good at this stage I dropped into my second training run and landed my comp run [Cab 7, Front, 9, Back 9, Front 5], not perfect but good enough to be comfortable.
There was around 32 competitors and only one heat so we got through our qualifictions pretty quick. I dropped around 3/4 of the way thru the field. My first run I landed a bit flat on my Frontside 9 so I only had enough speed for a 5. But scored a 72 which placed me in the top 10. Good Enough for finals. My second run, I was feeling much more comfortable and went into my Comp run all at a good size and clean. I scored an 87 which qualified me 3rd for finals.
Finals was pretty cool. We had a quick 25 minute practice, with sled's towing us up the hill which was pretty fun. I don't think I landed a full run during practice and was feeling a bit run down so I called training early and just worked on getting pumped up. My first run, I landed but it wasn't real big and I landed flat on every single hit, but I did land, and that gave me the boost of energy I needed for my second run. My second run was much better, landing everythng clean and of decent height. This run put me in 5th. After my second run I had a chat to Benny A about changing my run because I couldn't improve my score much more and it was getting a little monotonous doing the same run. So I decided to switch my last hit [Front 5] to a straight air, and not take my line down the pipe as far so I could get a 5th hit in and try a Backside 1080 [which I've landed 2 of.. ever]. The top part of my run was pretty standard - maybe not as good as my second run. When I got to my straight air I kind of sketched and didnt grab or go super big, but I was determined to get this hit in. I tucked and threw it as hard as I could. I over rotated and landed a little bit flat which made me sit down on the 10 - but I am definately glad I tried that run and I am super happy with the way my season ended up.
My second qualification and second finals run
I did about 62 days this season. It's pretty cool because when they scan your pass they can tell you how many days you've done - I did around...

Tommorow I am heading to California, which will be good to have a break for a few days before getting home and getting back to work.
Hopefully I see some cool stuff in my travels that I can share with you - so check back soon!
So we rolled out of snowy Breckenridge at about 7 this morning only to find that training had be postponed by an hour and a half. So we just kicked it in the main lodge until 9:30. Once training started I dropped into to a stock run [Cab 7, Front 5, Back 5], feeling pretty good at this stage I dropped into my second training run and landed my comp run [Cab 7, Front, 9, Back 9, Front 5], not perfect but good enough to be comfortable.
There was around 32 competitors and only one heat so we got through our qualifictions pretty quick. I dropped around 3/4 of the way thru the field. My first run I landed a bit flat on my Frontside 9 so I only had enough speed for a 5. But scored a 72 which placed me in the top 10. Good Enough for finals. My second run, I was feeling much more comfortable and went into my Comp run all at a good size and clean. I scored an 87 which qualified me 3rd for finals.
Finals was pretty cool. We had a quick 25 minute practice, with sled's towing us up the hill which was pretty fun. I don't think I landed a full run during practice and was feeling a bit run down so I called training early and just worked on getting pumped up. My first run, I landed but it wasn't real big and I landed flat on every single hit, but I did land, and that gave me the boost of energy I needed for my second run. My second run was much better, landing everythng clean and of decent height. This run put me in 5th. After my second run I had a chat to Benny A about changing my run because I couldn't improve my score much more and it was getting a little monotonous doing the same run. So I decided to switch my last hit [Front 5] to a straight air, and not take my line down the pipe as far so I could get a 5th hit in and try a Backside 1080 [which I've landed 2 of.. ever]. The top part of my run was pretty standard - maybe not as good as my second run. When I got to my straight air I kind of sketched and didnt grab or go super big, but I was determined to get this hit in. I tucked and threw it as hard as I could. I over rotated and landed a little bit flat which made me sit down on the 10 - but I am definately glad I tried that run and I am super happy with the way my season ended up.
My second qualification and second finals run
I did about 62 days this season. It's pretty cool because when they scan your pass they can tell you how many days you've done - I did around...
41 days at the Vail resorts [Breck, Vail and Beaver Creek, but mostly Breck]
Tommorow I am heading to California, which will be good to have a break for a few days before getting home and getting back to work.
Hopefully I see some cool stuff in my travels that I can share with you - so check back soon!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Ending.
My trip is quickly coming to an end with only 6 more days til' I fly out home to Aus. The past few weeks have been pretty stock standard. Alot of snowboarding and not much else.
This week The Boys (Pat & Jase) and I have been preparing for the USASA nationals which is tommorow at Copper. It should be a fun event, and a good last chance opportunity to catch up with friend before I leave. However the weather is supposed to be horrendous - but hey, it's a comp day, what more can we expect?
I went to dinner last night with The Boys, Benny (Our Coach) and Sav (Jr Team Coach) at Kemo Sabe Sushi and Saki in Frisco. We sat in one of the back rooms where you sit Japanese style on the ground. Now Benny reckons Kemo Sabe can be a bit hit & miss in terms of quality in comparison to the Mountain Flying Fish in Breck, but last night it was pretty damn good ["I will remember that Unagi for a long time"]. My favourite thing on the menu would have to have been the jalapeno shooters which are tempura jalapeno's wrapped in tuna in a shot glass with sauce... so good!

This is a photo I poached from Patto []
After nationals I am flying to California for a few days just to visit a few people before coming back to Colorado to pick up my bags (which are going to be wayyy over weight) and say a few more goodbyes before heading home on the 13th.
I will let you know how I go at nationals and am sure to be bored enough to do a couple of updates during my travels. So keep posted.
This week The Boys (Pat & Jase) and I have been preparing for the USASA nationals which is tommorow at Copper. It should be a fun event, and a good last chance opportunity to catch up with friend before I leave. However the weather is supposed to be horrendous - but hey, it's a comp day, what more can we expect?
I went to dinner last night with The Boys, Benny (Our Coach) and Sav (Jr Team Coach) at Kemo Sabe Sushi and Saki in Frisco. We sat in one of the back rooms where you sit Japanese style on the ground. Now Benny reckons Kemo Sabe can be a bit hit & miss in terms of quality in comparison to the Mountain Flying Fish in Breck, but last night it was pretty damn good ["I will remember that Unagi for a long time"]. My favourite thing on the menu would have to have been the jalapeno shooters which are tempura jalapeno's wrapped in tuna in a shot glass with sauce... so good!

This is a photo I poached from Patto []
After nationals I am flying to California for a few days just to visit a few people before coming back to Colorado to pick up my bags (which are going to be wayyy over weight) and say a few more goodbyes before heading home on the 13th.
I will let you know how I go at nationals and am sure to be bored enough to do a couple of updates during my travels. So keep posted.
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